THE STORY OF JOHN GEE: The Ariel’s Black History Celebration
Sunday, February 12, 2017
at 2:00 p.m.
The Story of John Gee, Hero of Gallipolis, is presented as part of the Ariel Opera House’s celebration of Black History month. Gee was born in Cincinnati in 1798 and came to Gallipolis between 1818 and 1822 as a free African American. Intelligent, industrious, hard-working and gifted in several areas, Gee built up his business building fine houses (some of which are still standing today), raised a large family, was active in his church and was a philanthropist. He donated the land for the “Colored Cemetery” and for his church. He built sidewalks in the town where he was the largest landowner of the time, all of this while living on the border of a slave state. At night, he was a known conductor of the Underground Railroad rescuing countless numbers of men, women and children desperate to escape slavery. Join us as historian Elaine Armstrong weaves the story and The Ohio Valley Symphony Woodwind Quintet performs music of the times including that of African American composer William Grant Still.
This is a free event!